Individual therapy for the best possible quality of life

At PhysioSteps² you are in good hands even if you suffer from a serious and/or chronic illness or complicated injury. Specializing in difficult, complex medical conditions in neurology, orthopedics, and arm and hand injuries, PhysioSteps² offers a wide range of state-of-the-art therapies. Based on a therapy concept developed especially for you, you will reach your goal step by step: recovery or the best possible quality of life for your complaints.

Specialized fields at a glance

  • Orthopedics: e.g., bone fractures, artificial joints, bone marrow edema.
    • Feet, legs, hip joints: e.g., surgeries, artificial joints, palsies, arthroses.
    • Functioning of shoulders, arms and wrists: e.g., fractures, surgeries, computer mouse syndrome and smartphone syndrome, arthrosis, shoulder injuries.
    • Spine: e.g., cervical vertebrae, respctively cervical syndrome, thoracic spine syndrome, lumbar spine syndrome, back pain, disc hernia, spine curvatures.
  • Neurology: e.g., multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, palsies.
  • Rheumatic diseases: e.g., Bekhterev’s disease with symptoms, such as inflammatory pain, back pain during the night, morning stiffness, rigidity and spine curvature, joint stiffness
  • Preventive and therapeutic exercise: e.g., strengthening, balance, stretching, physiotherapeutic yoga exercises, Electrical Muscle Stimulation – EMS training.
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