Strengthening the body and mind through physiotherapeutic yoga

Yoga helps tone the entire body, stretches the muscles, stimulates blood circulation, teaches us to breathe correctly, relaxes and energizes us. It is a forgiving method which has been known for thousands of years for its beneficial effect on the physical and mental health.
PhysioSteps2 takes yet another step forward with physiotherapeutic yoga: at our practice, proven yoga exercises tailored to your individual needs and weaknesses are combined with physiotherapy and professional guidance. Thus, you can benefit from all advantages that yoga brings without the health risks resulting from incorrectly performed exercises. The physiotherapeutic yoga not only achieves very good results as treatment before and after operation, but is also an appropriate therapy if you already experience physical problems due to age and/or health issues. Also, if you work from home and lack much physical activity, physiotherapeutic yoga is the perfect preventive therapeutic training to fight spinal problems, muscle spams and other health risks. If you suffer from a chronic cough, through special breathing techniques the physiotherapeutic yoga can help expand the respiratory volume and thus improve your chances of successful treatment.

Advantages at a glance

  • Increased muscle mass, mobility, balance, mental health
  • Marked success in case of chronic cough and any difficulties breathing (e.g., long-term consequences after Covid) thanks to the perfect breathing technique
  • Prevention to stress, spinal problems, muscle spasms
  • Physical and mental health before and after surgery
  • Appropriate for any age group and people with disabilities
  • Correct performance of the exercises under the supervision of a professional therapist
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